Wednesday, November 16, 2005
She has seriously provoked tt annoyance in approximate, only 1 outta 15 people may have such how about some *CLAPS for her!?bcos she has certainly done such a marvelous job to incite such anger in me.
F.u.c.k!F.u.F.u.F.u!*U#%^*(&*(**(&*(&!*)(62173512978*^!)(*(&()*)1][;./;;';..';`~Work hard!U can do it.Put in more effort for RJ.! BLahblaHblAh.Shitt from u!If RJ is everything that u consider, then where's the importance of putting in effort n showing understanding in class, when rj is the only thing u look at?!!!!!!FREAK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u r such an aggravation!if i were to go to IMH,u shall go with me!*evil thots...grinns*
;; right from the beginning8:10 PM