Saturday, April 01, 2006
== Part II==
I din noe bt such an animal until I saw it on e national geo. magazine.
Found it amazing. haha...
This animal here, is an
Okapi. (also known as Rainforest giraffe)
Okapis live in the rainforests in central Africa.
Although they bear striped markings that resembles the zebra,
They have
No relations to the
Their black n white stripes are actually to help their youngs to follow
them through e dense rainforests.
Okapis are actually the only
living close relative of the Giraffes.
Like e giraffes, Okapis have very long and flexible tongues.
Use to strip leaves and buds from trees.
Long enough for the animal to wash its eyelids and clean its ears:
it is one of the few mammals that can lick its own ears.

;; right from the beginning2:40 PM